영어교사의 교사학습공동체에 관한 설계 및 인식
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This study aims to explore how English teachers design teacher learning communities and examine their perceptions and needs regarding such communities. The participants were fifteen teachers enrolled in a graduate seminar on second language teacher education taught by the researcher. The data comprised each participant’s teacher learning community program design, final portfolio, pre- and post-surveys, final project, and the researcher’s field notes. Using content analysis, the data were qualitatively analyzed. The major findings are as follows: Firstly, various teacher learning community programs designed by English teachers were broadly categorized into three types: those focused on improving instructional skills, utilizing educational technology for teaching, and enhancing English proficiency skills. These communities were organized based on individual teachers’ experiences and instructional interests. Secondly, concerning English teachers’ awareness and demands related to teacher learning communities, they acknowledged the importance of such communities and expressed a willingness to create and participate in them. They also demonstrated an understanding of learning communities for English teachers involving learning, utilizing, and collaborating. The findings suggest that teacher learning communities can enhance English teachers’ professional development, with significant implications for English teacher education. Further important implications regarding the development of English teachers and English teacher learning communities were discussed.
teacher learning communities, teacher development, teacher professional development, English teacher education, second language teacher educationAcknowledgments
This work was supported by the 2023 Research Fund of Seoul National University of Education.
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