초등영어 초임교사의 전문성 관련 인식 및 전문성 발달 탐구
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This study aimed to investigate novice elementary English teachers' perceptions of teacher expertise and its influencing factors. It also analyzed their professional development patterns. Additionally, the study explored the teachers’ efforts and needs for their professional development. A survey was conducted with 50 elementary English teachers. For in-depth analysis, 10 participants were selected for interviews, reflection journals, classroom observations and evaluation. A mixed-method approach was used, primarily qualitative with quantitative methods as needed. The main findings are as follows: (1) Participants viewed English teacher expertise as encompassing English teaching knowledge and skills, understanding and supporting learners, English communication skills. (2) Factors affecting teacher expertise included teachers’ English and instructional skills and their interest and confidence in teaching English, learning through teacher education, and institutional support. (3) The professional development patterns included common and individual features in English communication skills, content knowledge, lesson design and implementation, and initiatives for professional growth. (4) Efforts for enhancing teacher expertise included participating in teacher training and graduate programs, improving classroom practices, collaborating with peers, and continuous self-development. (5) Support needs for enhancing teacher expertise included improving the quality of teacher training, expanding teaching opportunities, developing and sharing teaching materials, teacher collaboration, and administrative support. These results provide significant implications for English teachers’ professional development, particularly for novice teachers.
second language teacher education, teacher professional development, teacher expertise, novice English teacher, elementary English teacherAcknowledgments
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2018S1A5A2A01039852).
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