해외 현장학습 대비 비교과 영어프로그램 운영 개선 연구
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Extracurricular English programs at universities complement the limitations of regular curricula, enhance the diversity of English learning, and improve learning outcomes. However, while there is substantial research on their necessity and diverse teaching methods, systematic approaches to program management remain underexplored. This study employed an action research methodology, utilizing spiral cycles of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting to manage an extracurricular English program for university students preparing for overseas field learning. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, reports, and student assessments, involving students, an English instructor, department professors, and an administrator. The results revealed that collaboration in curriculum design, integration of feedback, and clear communication channels significantly enhanced program quality and stakeholder satisfaction. Nonetheless, several areas that need improving were identified, including adjusting course duration and delivery methods, as well as aligning course topics more closely with targeted program goals. This study provides insights into the practical application of action research in operating English language programs. It also recommends the action research approach as a valuable framework for ensuring continuous quality improvement and adaptability to participant needs in language education.
extracurricular English program, pre-departure language program, overseas field learning preparation, language program operation, action research methodologyAcknowledgments
This work was supported by the 2024 Research Fund of Catholic Kkottongnae University.
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