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Korea Journal of English Language and Linguistics - Vol. 24, No. 0, pp. 236-256 | |
Abbreviation: KASELL | |
ISSN: 1598-1398 (Print) 2586-7474 (Online) | |
Print publication date 31 Jan 2024 | |
Received 20 Jan 2024 Revised 06 Feb 2024 Accepted 16 Mar 2024 | |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15738/kjell.24..202403.236 | |
Empowering English-Speaking Skills through Personalized Exploration and Application of ‘YouGlish’ | |
Mijin Eom
| |
Research Professor, Chuncheon National University of Education (Eommijin05@gmail.com) | |
© 2024 KASELL All rights reserved This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. | |
Funding Information ▼ |
The field of English education has consistently prioritized the integration of diverse online multimedia tools to foster the development of English oral skills. This study introduces and investigates the web-based online learning tool, 'YouGlish,' to enhance our understanding of its effectiveness in improving English oral proficiency. The study conducted an analysis of the benefits and challenges derived from YouGlish utilization, drawing insights from the perspectives provided by 38 adult learners. Survey questionnaire results indicate that learners perceive YouGlish as a valuable tool for English language learning, citing the platform's emphasis on real-life contextual learning and precise pronunciation refinement as key contributors to its perceived value. Furthermore, the study endeavors to formulate an optimal self-directed learning module, specifically focusing on pronunciation and intonation, designed for use outside the traditional classroom setting. This study presents a detailed 8-week learning module along with its operational description, providing a practical framework for implementing YouGlish in language learning contexts. Pedagogical implications of incorporating YouGlish into language teaching and learning are discussed. The study proposes potential areas for future research for additional exploration and practical application of YouGlish.
Keywords: YouGlish, digital language learning through video, English speaking skills, English pronunciation, web-based online learning tool |
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2023S1A5B5A16077364).
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