The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics

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KCI (2007-ongoing)

Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics
  • · Publisher : The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics
  • · Content : Journal
  • · ISSN : 1598-1398(Print) / 2586-7474(Electronic)

Scope of the Journal

- English Syntax
- English Semantics & Pragmatics
- English Phonetics & Phonology
- English Applied Linguistics
- English Education

Manuscript Submission

KJELL has a continuous publication schedule throughout a year. There is no deadline for the manuscript submission. The articles are published online immediately after they complete the process of peer review, revision, and final acceptance.

For more detailed information about the submission, review, and publication of the manuscript, please click “Instructions for Authors” under “For Authors”.

Review Fee: 60,000 Won
Publication Fee: 250,000 Won
   Note: Add 10,000 Won for each page exceeding 20 pages.
   Note: Add 100,000 Won upon receipt of research funding.
Bank Account:
Shinhan Bank 140-014-435369 한국영어학회(KASELL)

Manuscript Submission from Foreign Countries

If foreign authors submit their papers, they will be required to pay the fees applicable to domestic authors, as indicated above, via the same bank account used by KASELL. For more detailed information regarding international bank transfers, please contact KASELL at

Current Issue Korea Journal of English Language and Linguistics - Vol. 24